Mrs. Blackmon’s Summer Reading Book Picks!
These are ten books that are either Newbery Award winners for children’s literature OR my personal favorites for rising 5th graders! In some cases they are both favorites and award winners. Happy summer reading! I can’t wait to see you all in the fall!
A message from Mrs. Blackmon about communication...
Remind app join code for the class of 2028: gdh6hd
Hello 4th graders! I will be posting a variety of reading and math enrichment activities EVERY THURSDAY for you to check out and try! If you're looking for a fun challenge, you have come to the right place. I will also be hosting a fourth grade TD video conference every Thursday at 10:30 am. See below under TD MEET for more directions on how to join me in Cyberspace by using ZOOM!
To join the regular Wednesday TD 4th grade video meeting:
Jennifer Blackmon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 4th grade TD Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 536 605 718
Jennifer Blackmon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 4th grade TD Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 536 605 718
Enrichment Choice Boards
May 27th-June 9th
For the remainder of the school year (the next two weeks), you are encouraged to choose activities from the TD choice boards below. Each board is themed and offers up to 8 activities. Please select 2 to 3 activities per week to complete from ANY combination of the boards below. For example, you can choose 3 activities from a single board OR you can choose 1 activity from one board and 2 from another OR 1 activity from 3 different boards. Have a great time!!
Literacy Enrichment
May 21st-28th: Read the following texts Tundra and How Animals Survive on Mountains.
Then complete this: Tundra and Mountain Animals Comparison Ladder
Then complete this: Tundra and Mountain Animals Comparison Ladder
The top rung of your Jacob's Ladder requires you to make a generalization. Click the presentation below for the thinking steps to making and writing a generalization!
May 14th-21st: Complete the following three activities in order.
Lunar Cycle Challenge
Part 1 You my MAY get a warning on your screen about Adobe player when you click this link. If so, click the puzzle piece at the center of your screen and click "allow" on the pop up box. This will allow the plug-in and the pop up will no longer be blocked.
Vocabulary Web for, "What Causes the Phases of the Moon" and "Easy Pinhole Projector"
Part 2: Select one word from the list given and complete the vocabulary web. When you click on the link is should prompt you to make your own copy that you can type in. When you get down to the actual web, you can click on it and then select "edit" underneath. That will allow you to click in each box and type directly on the web. If you want to print it, you can do that also and just write with your pencil.
What Causes the Phases of the Moon; Easy Pinhole Projector.
Moon Mythology
Part 3 is to an additional reading piece about Moon mythology. There are some VERY interesting mythological stories from many cultures around the world. Have fun reading about the majesty and mystery of the moon!
May 7-May 14th: Read these two texts:
April 30th-May 7th: This week we will be extending your learning by comparing the two texts "Sun" and "Our Dear Sun." Remember that you should always approach a Jacob's ladder from the bottom up! When you click the button, it will force you to make your own copy, which will allow you to type directly in the document! Be sure to share your work with me!
Read these two texts: Sun; Our Dear Sun.
Here is another fun set of 18 Wuzzle Puzzles for this week if you like trying to figure them out!
April 23-30th: I love WUZZLE PUZZLES! For this week, we will take a "root" break and try out some word puzzles or "wuzzles" for fun! Here is a website to show you how they work. Underneath, I will post some that do not have the answer key shown and YOU will have to figure them out! Feel free to ask friends and family to help you. They are a lot of fun!!
Sample WUZZLES with answers HERE for practice!
Then try these 18 on your own and see how you do! Good luck!
Sample WUZZLES with answers HERE for practice!
Then try these 18 on your own and see how you do! Good luck!
Each Thursday I will post a 4th grade Root-of-the-Week for you to learn. Much of the English language is based on greek and latin. Understanding these roots (word parts) can grow your vocabulary and comprehension. It can also sharpen your "word attack" skills when you must clarify an unfamiliar word! Our roots are below:
April 9th- 23rd: During this week we will focus on the roots "spec" and "spic" which means to look.

spec_spic-look.pdf |
April 2nd-9th: This week we will focus on "phon" which means sound. What ever would we do without our ears? They allow us to hear pleasant music, warning sirens, the singing birds, and the crash of the surf. They also help us keep our balance. All of the words this week are related to the concept of sound. You will be surprised how many more words you will discover in your everyday life that have the root "phon!"

phon-sound.pdf |
March 26-April 2nd: This week we will focus on our hands! The root for hand is "manu" and is found in MANY words across the English language that involve the idea of things being handmade, being worn on or around the hands, hand-care, and things people have to handle. Some examples include: manufacture, manual, manuscript, manicure, manager, manipulate, manacle, maneuver, mandate and emancipate. Watch the video and complete the attachment below to learn more!
March 19th-26th: The human race has been walking from one place to another since the beginning. Click on the link below to learn about the root "ped/pod" which makes up SO many words today that include the idea of walking/feet in their meaning. Complete the attachment below and be creative :)
Math Enrichment
May 21st-28th: This is such a FUN collection of pattern math activities! You can make pattern artwork first. Then move on to challenge math. Finally, end with pattern pandemonium! Click HERE for the hyperdoc with all of these activities. Please choose TWO activities (of the three) to complete!
May 14-21st: 4th grade Choice Board Activities
May 7th-May 14th: Click on the Area and Perimeter Song Below. Then work through the "Will it Fit?" slides. Complete the Practicing with Area and Perimeter problems.
Area and Perimeter Song
April 23rd- May 7th: Geometry in the Real World This project is a two week glimpse into the architectural geometry that exists all around us!
April 9-April 23rd: In this week's activity you will be moving into geometry work. Please complete "Shape Shenanigans" before our next meeting on the 23rd. You may type directly in the document!
Answer Key:
April 2nd-9th: In this week's activity you will take a virtual trip while still remaining safely at home! Please note that you have two options with any partner work---you can work with a family member in your home OR you can choose to just complete it independently.

1_3travelingnumbers.pdf |
March 26th-April 2nd: In this activity, you will complete a scavenger hunt at home using multiplicative comparisons. Remember you can be creative as you look for things around your house.
March 19th-26th: In this activity, you will use your understanding of factor pairs and multiples to determine what is prime or composite and write generalizations/rules for multiples of a certain number.